Archive for the ‘ETC’ Category

ETC 2013 results from earlier ETC

Posted: 2 August, 2013 by egges in ETC, ETC 2013

Thought I post the earlier final results from ETC.


What’s in for round 3?

Posted: 17 August, 2012 by egges in ETC

Well…everything I said was going happen during turn 2 happened. Not it’s time for Germany-Poland (I’m hoping for one win for either of them), Spain and Brittish (Sweden should be able to handle both) and Sweden – Russia. So the next result will most likely be…

Germany-Poland will most likely be close. Maybe a draw. Otherwise I think a Polish win.
But it’s tight. I think this is the deciding game unless the Swedes can take them.

England and Spain is also hard. I’m thinking Spain here but it could also be Brittish win.

Sweden should beat Russia.


Go swede!

Sweden vs Italy in ETC

Posted: 17 August, 2012 by egges in ETC

Ok, second round. Swe-Ita. Sweden have had notorious problem with this country before. I’m hoping for a win this time but will settle for a draw. The entire first round had no real surprises. Spain, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Germany and USA are in the top. England still there, although I think they should hope for top 5 as best. The Poland-USA game will be important. As well as Italy-Sweden. If the swedes can win this they have a good set-up for a tournament victory. England I believe has a win in hand. So someone of Poland, USA, Sweden and Italy should face them next round. Of course a draw in my top 4 shouldn’t be surprising as well.
Is it just me of has Northern Ireland a better team this year? I still don’t believe in them but it would be cool if we could see some more countries being able to produce a better amount of competitive players.

France shouldn’t be underestimated as well. I think this rounds winners will be: England, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Spain and France. I think these are safe bets but Poland-USA and Sweden-Italy can go either way. One of them should draw.

Ett nytt landslag!

Posted: 14 February, 2012 by egges in ETC

Det finns en liten turnering som heter ETC. Den går av stapeln ibland och Sverige är rätt ok känd i den. I år har vi också skrapat ihop en kapten samt ett litet lag. Jag har varit i kontakt med kaptenen och har tillåtelse om att blogga om detta nu. Så jag kör bara på!

Det enda jag kommer blogga om är saker som finnes på och sedan tänker jag spana lite själv. Så vi hoppar direkt in. Vi börjar med profiler. (more…)

Hylanders ETC del 5. USA

Posted: 21 September, 2011 by egges in ETC, Okategoriserade

In the battle of world domination, Hylander faces the states own Greg ‘Inquisitor_Malice’ Sparks who plays Eldar and has an army list I think many consider rather weak or at the very least, different.


Hylanders ETC del 4. Irland

Posted: 13 September, 2011 by egges in ETC

In his third game, Hylander has a battle with Ireland’s  Blood angels. 5 Land raiders in total on the table and 4 on the wrong side for the swedes! Don’t miss this epic fight!


Hylanders ETC del 3. Nordirland

Posted: 7 September, 2011 by egges in ETC, Swedish tournaments

In game 2, Hylander faces Northen Ireland’s Space marine player. In retrospect a rather advantageous match-up. Enjoy! (more…)

Hylanders ETC del 2. Italien

Posted: 5 September, 2011 by egges in Article series, ETC

As said, here is the second post from Hylander, Sweden’s Grey knight representative at the ETC tournament 2011! I’m going to let Hylander speak mostly for himself and as agreed these battle reports will all be in English to ensure other participants from ETC can enjoy it. If you like the battle reports, please comment. My own comments will be marked as red, mostly to insert pictures to break up the text a bit.


Hylanders ETC del 1

Posted: 29 August, 2011 by egges in ETC

Här kommer den första delen utav X antal inlägg från Hylander om hans ETC! I första delen tar vi an resan för att komma med i landslaget och hur resan gick. Förvänta er en längre rapport om hur livet som landslagsspelare ter sig. Enjoy!


Givetvis har jag missat en av de viktigaste nyheterna med ETC. Sverige blev delad etta på sportsmanship i ETC. Delad med USA och hade vi skitigt i att rösta på USA så hade vi vunnit!


Grattis allihopa och jävligt bra hopskrapat! I grund så tror jag numera att Svenskar har etablerat sig som sjukt önskvärda motståndare om man vill ha trevligt och oönskade om man vill ha battlepoints!