Archive for the ‘Article series’ Category


Activation tampering
False Diplomacy (1)
T1: 2,5%, T2: 10,3%, T3: 11,4%, T4: 12,9%, T5: 14,8%, T6: 17,4%
Requirements: None
Characteristics: Influence
Game impact: Low/High

The False Diplomacy command card could really screw with your opponent’s activations denying her/him the activation of their choice. The command card may have a low or a high game impact depending on how much it affects your opponents decision making and which opportunities it grants you. But because of its random nature it could also do nothing and with a cool opponent not even mess with their head. This command card should be played as a complement to a plan and may therefore be saved for a better opportunity. But I also believe it is best used in turn 1 or 2 when the order battle groups are activated may be of really paramount importance.



Aircraft and Vehicle enhancing
Relentless Advance (3)
T1: 7,5%, T2: 28,4%, T3: 31,3%, T4: 34,9%, T5: 39,5%, T6: 45,3%
Requirements: Sphere of Influence, Aircraft or Vehicle
Characteristics: Mobility Increased
Game impact: Medium/High

The Relentless Advance command card improve an aspect of the Scourge which is already really good, their mobility and also incorporating the ability to increase their effective weapons range which grant the Scourge some good opportunities. (more…)


Activation tampering
Spy Ring (1)
T1: 2,5%, T2: 10,3%, T3: 11,4%, T4: 12,9%, T5: 14,8%, T6: 17,4%
Requirements: None
Characteristics: Influence
Game impact: High

The Spy Ring command card is a way for PHR to higher the chance of gaining the initiative in the next round and maybe even paralysing an opponent’s opportunity to play command cards in the following turn. (more…)

The general cards are the 20 cards which every deck of the four first factions (PHR, Shaltari, Scourge and UCM) have.

Activation tampering
Central HQ Directive (1)
T1: 2,5%, T2: 10,3%, T3: 11,4%, T4: 12,9%, T5: 14,8%, T6: 17,4%
Requirements: None
Characteristics: Die modifier
Game impact: High

The Central HQ Directive command card affects the initiative roll and thus have the possibility to achieve both double-taps (to be able and activate last and first) and act first in a critical moment. (more…)

Sometimes I will venture neck-deep into excel, trying to crunch some probability numbers when I am thinking about games. This article is the result of one of those times; I started to think about what is the probability to draw a certain type of card in Dropzone Commander with a certain command value (CV) commander. For example did you know there is a 45,3% chance to draw a Call for Extraction command card with a CV 4 commander in the sixth turn if you have not drawn one before and drawing four cards each turn except the first, well I did not. (more…)

This is it, Folks! The last part of Jens’ series. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. I thank him for this series and hope he doesn’t stop there.

Walkers 2

We finish off with the Jaguar battlegroup and Jens’ closing thoughts.

In this last part of the series, I will review the final part of my Shaltari army list I used at the Dropzone Commander tournament at Wexio 2014. The article discusses the initial thought process followed by an evaluation and a final judgement on a battle group per battle group basis.


Once more Jens is rocking our world with the third part of his “lessons learned” from Wexio’s tournament. As always please comment to encourage him to continue with this! After all, if you read it and didn’t comment it meant you didn’t like it and think he should stop writing.

This time around it will be Infantry and Armour Battlegroups investigated. Though I feel that CQB can be “doing something right” in DZC.

In this third article, I will review the Shaltari army list I used at the Dropzone Commander tournament at Wexio 2014. The article discusses the initial thought process followed by an evaluation and a final judgement on a battle group per battle group basis.


Another Thursday and another post from Jens!

This time around we will see his analysis of his Command and Scout battlegroups.

In this second article, I will continue review the Shaltari army list I used at the Dropzone Commander tournament at Wexio 2014. The article discusses the initial thought process followed by an evaluation and a final judgement on a battle group per battle group basis.


Jens is back with more material! This time he is going to continue with the Wexio Spelkonvent theme. After searching his soul he finally decided to post his inner thoughts regarding his Shaltari army’s performance. Enjoy!


Though I must confess I think Jens is single… not that I have investigated the matter…

Hello, everybody! For this small series I will review the Shaltari army list I used at the Dropzone Commander tournament at Wexio 2014. The articles discusses the initial thought process followed by an evaluation and a final judgement on a battle group per battle group basis. Last this will be followed by some comments of the army list’s battle group composition and what I consider its strengths and weaknesses.

Let us get started.


So it continues. Guessing and guessing. I really love the Resistance models.
