Archive for September, 2014


Aircraft and Vehicle enhancing
Relentless Advance (3)
T1: 7,5%, T2: 28,4%, T3: 31,3%, T4: 34,9%, T5: 39,5%, T6: 45,3%
Requirements: Sphere of Influence, Aircraft or Vehicle
Characteristics: Mobility Increased
Game impact: Medium/High

The Relentless Advance command card improve an aspect of the Scourge which is already really good, their mobility and also incorporating the ability to increase their effective weapons range which grant the Scourge some good opportunities. (more…)

Pew pew con pics

Posted: 27 September, 2014 by egges in Okategoriserade

1500pts in all its glory

Posted: 26 September, 2014 by egges in Okategoriserade



Snolb will just demo…ha…sucker!


Activation tampering
Spy Ring (1)
T1: 2,5%, T2: 10,3%, T3: 11,4%, T4: 12,9%, T5: 14,8%, T6: 17,4%
Requirements: None
Characteristics: Influence
Game impact: High

The Spy Ring command card is a way for PHR to higher the chance of gaining the initiative in the next round and maybe even paralysing an opponent’s opportunity to play command cards in the following turn. (more…)

The general cards are the 20 cards which every deck of the four first factions (PHR, Shaltari, Scourge and UCM) have.

Activation tampering
Central HQ Directive (1)
T1: 2,5%, T2: 10,3%, T3: 11,4%, T4: 12,9%, T5: 14,8%, T6: 17,4%
Requirements: None
Characteristics: Die modifier
Game impact: High

The Central HQ Directive command card affects the initiative roll and thus have the possibility to achieve both double-taps (to be able and activate last and first) and act first in a critical moment. (more…)

Gaming Table Wip part 2

Posted: 20 September, 2014 by egges in Dropzone commander, Egge, terrain


Next steps are to flock

Now that Jens/Nimthar is posting here directly I’m thinking it puts some pressure on me to blog more. I think people will like his posts better anyway but I will try to make an effort to compete. Today I’m thinking about balance in the missions. And not the type of balance I think you are thinking…



Sometimes I will venture neck-deep into excel, trying to crunch some probability numbers when I am thinking about games. This article is the result of one of those times; I started to think about what is the probability to draw a certain type of card in Dropzone Commander with a certain command value (CV) commander. For example did you know there is a 45,3% chance to draw a Call for Extraction command card with a CV 4 commander in the sixth turn if you have not drawn one before and drawing four cards each turn except the first, well I did not. (more…)

Award DZC Invasion

Posted: 16 September, 2014 by egges in Okategoriserade

Be sure to say thanks to JedKar

Also, some info from the tournaments and pics on Orbital bombardments blog.

Gaming table wip

Posted: 12 September, 2014 by egges in Okategoriserade

You know the guys who are cool and capable of doing cool dzc stuff? I’m not one of them…
